Wednesday, December 10, 2008

song 3

Vs. 1: It was only a hopeless dream, which passed like a summer breeze

greeting the autumn air but a look, and a quick word

was all it took to send me to another galaxy.


Chorus: They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t  go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the quiet evening come.


Vs. 2: It’s  only for a moment when we see each other,

but it’s in that moment that I forget everything

 that’s going wrong in my life.  How can I miss you and love you

when I only talked to you for a little while?


Chorus: They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t  go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the quiet evening come.


Vs.3: I knew It’d one day come to be, I knew there’d never be a you and me

But I didn’t see it coming so soon, and when you looked at me the way you did,

I thought it would never be the end of our short history.



Chorus: They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the quiet evening come.


Vs. 4: When I heard you were to be engaged, the whole world came to a halt.

 Suddenly everything was turned around, and my world?

Hung upside down.  That’s what happens when  I let my heart take over my mind

I knew I wouldn’t get a chance, but I liked to imagine that I could spend my life with you.


Chorus: They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the evening come.


Vs. 5: Now you’re all grown up, and ready to take on the world

So close your eyes, take a breath, and let yourself be free,

but please, never forget me, I know I won’t forget you.

Like the wind the years go by, 

and everyday we get further and further away from each other

I guess I'll always miss you, but I know you’re still around,

doing what you love to do, Just being you.


Chorus: They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the evening come.



 Vs. 6: I know I’ll always miss you, and I know I’ll always regret,

But the decision is up to you yet.  It’s in your hands now, it’s up to you my

Friend,  but just know this, I’ll always be with you until the end.


Chorus: They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the evening come.

Vs.7: They say that time heals all things, they say you can always forget,

but yet, I can’t get through this darkened hall that I believe is my heart, I can’t find a new way to start. There’s no passing go, there’s no going back, there’s no way to change the past, it’s just happenin’ so fast.  So I’ve kissed the past goodbye, and seen the future, but why’s the present so hard for me?  I’ll miss you, and I’ll love you too, but you, oh you. 

You took my heart and cut it in two, now I’m broken hearted, and missing you.



Chorus (last time): They say that time heals all things they say you can always forget;

but the smiles and the tears across the years, they twist at my heartstrings yet. 

I can’t go a day without thinking of your smile, and how you and I liked to sit

together in the setting summer sun, but then we gently

closed our eyes, and let the evening come.




I trust in everything you do, and everything you plan on doing




  1. wow. if the tune si a s good as the lyrics, you have a hit on ur hands. im in a band. our website is check it out and please tell us what u think. we have another blog which is

  2. hey i just realized when i looked at ur profile. ur mandy our first fan!! omj! u have amazing lyrics! way to go!

  3. Hi Mandy, how old are you? Thirteen, maybe? I would like to suggest you read '1984', by George Orwell. I say this because parts of your song are there. Anyway, reading more books you will "compose" more songs! But bear in mind that in professional life this kind of composition is not much recommended. Take care. Eric
